Coordinated Shooting Method Testimonials

Coordinated Shooting Method Testimonials

Here's what a few of our customers have had to say about us. Have a testimonial of your own to share?

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Leon C. LaBrecque

Leon C. LaBrecque

I've known and have been taking lessons from John Higgins for many years, from when he gave me guidance as an intermediate shooter to my most recent series of lessons trying to take me above 90%, and it's working.  John is a remarkable teacher and friend.  One main ingredient has vastly contributed to my satisfaction of shot gunning, and that is John's guidance.  John's method isn't a rigid rubric or the conventional curriculum of lead, pull away or swing-through.  Rather, it's creative and developed for the shooter, with the coach adjusting to the shooters unique style.  This is not to say there isn't a process.  John is meticulous about the gun being a part of the shooter.  He checks eye dominance and other vision anomalies, patterns your gun and assures that it fits to your body, so that your gun becomes a part of the shooter.  I believe this is important because part of Johns' Coordinated Shooting Method is to point the eye, hand and body as an integral unit, all moving together to 'catch' the target.  Another very helpful part of John's teaching is creating your shot plan by developing a 'workspace' and eliminating any element that is not helping you break the target.  John calls this 'risk management'.  Having a master class English shooting instructor work with you is quite rewarding.  John's style is gentle but demanding.  Intriguing, but very effective. I find John's British accent in my ears giving me advice long after our lessons.  Probably one of my best experiences was recently when my wife and I took a joint lesson.  Anne is a beginning shooter, and I am experienced, yet we both improved throughout our lesson, with Anne breaking all types of targets very quickly.  I highly recommend John as a master instructor.  He doesn't preach or rigidly follow a set curriculum.  Our lessons are always rewarding and fun.  John is not the 'Sage on the stage' but the 'Guide at your side'. 

Leon C. LaBrecque

Virginia Janiszewski

Virginia Janiszewski

"I have had the pleasure to host John Higgins many times at our farm in Metamora, MI.  His technique of training all levels of shooters is amazing, educational and fun. Teaching people how to learn and how to teach.  Whether you're a FITASC shooter or a first timer at sporting clays, John will make you a better shooter.  He has an uncanny way of getting you to improve clay target shooting.  From your eyes, gun, stance, head, focus, timing, perception, etc.  He will make you a better shooter.  Someday I will be as good as I can be.  I appreciate and respect John's methods tremendously.

Welcome back are a gentleman and a scholar.  Keep up the good works!"

Virginia Janiszewski

Cresent Ridge Farms, LLC

Metamora, MI

Matt 25:23 

Well done good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much.
Jeff and Marie Welna

Jeff and Marie Welna

"My wife and I were blessed to meet Mr. John Higgins on our journey to shoot sporting clays. I've been familiar with shotguns since my youth, but my wife, Marie, was an absolute beginner. I wisely realized that I was not the person to instruct her in shooting."

"We discovered Mr. Higgins and his CSM training methods through a recommendation from Mike Buscher at Blackberry Farms. He suggested John not only as an instructor but also as an expert who could assist us in selecting and fitting a shotgun for Marie."

"Fast forward a few years, and we find that our shooting skills have significantly improved. Marie was introduced to the noble sport of quail hunting in the fall of 2023. She successfully bagged her first quail and thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. Although she may not admit it, she is a far more fluid and coordinated shooter than I am."

"Marie approached the sport without any detrimental habits and has become an exceptionally skilled shooter. Observing her tackle the full spectrum of clay shooting challenges has been immensely enjoyable for me. She takes great delight in shooting doubles, rabbits, and the occasional Chandelle. John is a most gracious instructor, with a remarkable ability to discern how to help a shooter enhance their skills. We eagerly anticipate continuing our shooting practice under his guidance for many years to come."

- Jeff Welna

Daylon Mahn

Daylon Mahn

“John Higgins’ CSM has allowed me to grow in my shooting career from a young age.  With a positive and encouraging teaching style, John has pushed me to focus on having a good time while in a competitive environment.  Very grateful to have such a strong foundation in the shooting sports due to CSM.”  

-Daylon Mahn 

2018 Junior U.S. Open Champion 

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